Ladies of Harley

Ladies of Harley®

Ladies of Harley (LOH) is sponsored by the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) to support women motorcycle enthusiasts (both riders and passengers).  It is not a separate organization within H.O.G., but was established to encourage women to become more active in HOG and their local chapters. You don’t need to ride your own bike to be a member of LOH.

To become a member of LOH you first join National HOG as either an associate or full member and then join our chapter and let the fun begin! There are no additional dues required to be a LOH member, it’s included in your National and local Chapter membership.

Ladies of Harley is an important part of any Chapter and our goal is always to ride and have fun!  LOH events can be found on our Tecumseh H.O.G. chapter calendar and are highlighted in pink.  Remember that LOH events aren’t exclusive to women; men can attend and ride too.  They just have to remember that the Ladies are in charge!